Friday, February 3, 2012

Changing focus a little

The goal of this blog was to draw daily, and for the most part I have been, even when I don't post the drawing results. Some days I find that I just don't have the time or ability to complete the "drawing exercise" for that day. So starting tomorrow I will be posting my sketchbook for that day at least, even if I don't do the exercise. I probably won't get too much done tonight because I'm starting my lessons with Dan Padro. In general (and since were on the subject of daily drawing) I'm finding that I'm seeing vast improvement already. Even if you look at just the first weeks drawings vs the second week's you can see a difference. I think the reasons behind this besides the obvious "practice makes perfect" also include that I'm drawing things outside of my comfort zone. I'm drawing from reference more, I'm drawing things I don't like to draw, and I'm inking more of the pieces to give me practice in that area too. So as much as I can, I'll draw from the proposed outline that I post every Wednesday, but there will be days for whatever reason that I can't get to them. I still think posting regularly will be a good way of showing what I'm working on and showing the improvement in my technique, even if it's just the page from my sketchbook that day. Thanks for following along! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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