Thursday, January 26, 2012

Think Ink Thursday Jason from Friday the 13th

Remember that joke in Chasing Amy? About how an inker is just a tracer? Anybody who has paid any amount of attention to comic art knows this isn’t true. Inking is it’s own art form and an amazing one at that. Tonight’s exercise – to ink Tuesday’s Terror turned out pretty puke-o-matic. In fact, I don’t really feel like it’s finished, but at the same time I just don’t want to continue much with it. It is what it is. The good news is that in February I’ll begin studying under Dan Prado who has inked for Image and Marvel comics among others. I’m hoping to get a lot out of that time including how to use better inking tools (such as nibs and such) as well as how to make better decisions when figuring out lights and darks. I’ve always stayed away from making bold decisions about blacks and shadow. I think that some time with Dan will be very helpful in this regard. OK – I have to START Friday’s Famous: Cars from Entertainment and it’s 9pm PST. I guess this is a good exercise in why not to get behind.

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