Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Burnside Tales - The Walk

just a quick sketch of the Burnside Tales crew. I think Julius is mad because I put him in back (I didn't mean to Julius, it was an after thought!!!)

Tuesday's Terror - Scorpialien

Tonight's Tuesday Terror is The ScorpiAlien

Friday, January 27, 2012

Famous Friday: Cars from Entertainment

Yawn! OK… just finished today’s drawing exercise, the General Lee. Cars are also a tough subject matter for me as they combine strong elements of shape, clean lines, angles, and perspective. I don’t think this experiment turned out all that bad considering I inked it as well (if you can call that inked) and it was my first time drawing a car in like ….forever.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Think Ink Thursday Jason from Friday the 13th

Remember that joke in Chasing Amy? About how an inker is just a tracer? Anybody who has paid any amount of attention to comic art knows this isn’t true. Inking is it’s own art form and an amazing one at that. Tonight’s exercise – to ink Tuesday’s Terror turned out pretty puke-o-matic. In fact, I don’t really feel like it’s finished, but at the same time I just don’t want to continue much with it. It is what it is. The good news is that in February I’ll begin studying under Dan Prado who has inked for Image and Marvel comics among others. I’m hoping to get a lot out of that time including how to use better inking tools (such as nibs and such) as well as how to make better decisions when figuring out lights and darks. I’ve always stayed away from making bold decisions about blacks and shadow. I think that some time with Dan will be very helpful in this regard. OK – I have to START Friday’s Famous: Cars from Entertainment and it’s 9pm PST. I guess this is a good exercise in why not to get behind.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday’s Wild Card: Breakdancing Jesus

I am really enjoying these drawing exercises- they force me to not only draw something outside of my comfort zone, but they force me to draw something complete. It’s too easy for me to leave dozens of half started concepts in my book, but with these exercises I feel the need to complete them. I’m very happy how Breakdancing Jesus turned out. The inking wasn’t bad either! There does need to be a bit of clean up on the paper (a spot of sugar free skinny hot chocolate?).

Weekly Drawing Exercises for the week of 1/29

Sunday’s sketch: still Life Monday’s Mugs: Google + profile pics Tuesday’s Terror: Alien (From the Alien Movie franchise) Wild Card Wednesday: Band Poster Think Ink Thursday: Inking Monday’s Mug Famous Friday: Famous Hands from Literature Super Hero Saturday: Dr. Strange

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday’s Terror: Jason of Friday the 13th

I had a good time with tonight’s drawing exercise, and quite frankly I think it’s one of my best drawings in a while. I feel like the sketches the last two nights have been warm ups and tonight I kicked it into a higher gear. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot that I need to improve in this picture, but I’m feeling much better abut how this turned out then Monday’s and Tuesday’s exercises – and growth is the goal of this blog. Tonight’s sketch is going to be Thursday’s inking exercise, so be sure to come back and see how it turned out.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday’s Mug – Steve Workman

I’m horrible with representational drawing…. and so I chose my brother in law to be my first portrait. Don’t worry Steve, when I become a talented artist I’ll hit it again. Here’s the sketch, along with the source material… Please feel free to offer critique and feedback. I know his eyes didn’t turn out well, and in general the pencil strokes are too quick and strong. It ends up looking more like a doodle then a sketch. EDIT: I think after reviewing this more, the reason why I'm not comfortable with it is the size that I've drawn it in. I'm not used to drawing faces at this scale and it tends to magnify the mistakes and make my pencil strokes more visible - something to think about for the future.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday's Sketch - Street Scenes

When I sketch, I’m not looking to be exact, rather I’m trying to get a feel for a scene… a feel of it’s shape. Here are two quick sketches of street scenes I found off the web.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Drawing Exercises for the week of Jan 22

Sunday’s sketch: Street Scene Monday’s Mugs: Google + profile pics Tuesday’s Terror: Jason from Friday the 13th Wild Card Wednesday: Breakdancing Jesus Think Ink Thursday: Inking Tuesday’s Terror Famous Friday: Famous Cars of Entertainment Super Hero Saturday: Batman